We digested our own 123-Page Algorithm Report, and came up with these 16 must-know Insights and Infographics as a shortcut. What you can expect? 1. What's happening with our Feed? ↳ More paid content (up to 40%), less organic (60%) 2. What happened to the Algorithm in 2023? ↳ February small shake, September earthquake (reach down 40%) 3. Ways to influence 60% of your Feed ↳ Engage, Save, send DM's and connect or follow 4. Master all LinkedIn Formats ↳ Infographic: Polls & Document Posts for the win! 5. How to Treat external links without seeing a dump in reach? ↳ Links with comments are now hidden, so change your tactic! 6. Content is King, Consistency is Queen ↳ Better 3 times a week, than 3 times a day 7. LinkedIn™ and AI generated Content & Comments ↳ 90% less conversion for unedited AI generated efforts 8. Tagging Tactics ↳ 1 is perfect, below 4 no penalty, above 8 you are at risk 9. Gated & Commitment Content ↳ Gated content performs 90% less, Commitment content is not reliable 10. LinkedIn™ Audio Events are the bomb 💣 ↳ Live Events see 45% more engagements and traction! 11. NEW! Performance drivers ↳ You think your best will only grow with engagement? Think again 12. How each action of engagement has a different impact on growth ↳ Comments and Instant Reposts outperform all others 13. Repost Rumble ↳ Help others grow? Instant Repost! 14. LinkedIn™ Trending Topics Top 5 ↳ Tapping into those will get you 50% additional reach 15. What happened to Company Pages? ↳ Reach is down, Engagement is up, Growth is the same 16. Company Pages, why size matters? ↳ Solopreneur, ideal frequency is 3 posts a week PS: Which number surprises you the most? Full 123-Page report: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7162715127899738113/