
The perfect content for each social network

Content Lenght

based on analyzing 2,384,083 pieces of content by npdigital Source


Instagram Reels should be

Carousels should be



Text should be


Videos should be


YouTube Shorts should be

Long-form videos performed the best if they were on


In most cases the reach sucked no matter what the length of the content was…

Use the above data as a guide, and don’t add fluff to your content to stretch it out. Don’t cut your content to make it shorter if your content is amazing! The data above should be a guide. Being off a few seconds or words isn’t a big deal.

Content Style

Professional photos had 20.8% fewer likes and 35.1 fewer comments.

Now there were a few rare cases where professional photos (and normal ones) did really well… such as posting an engagement photo, a wedding photo, or a baby gender reveal photo…

But overall people resonate more with normal photos.

Don’t overthink it. Especially if you are a large corporation.

Sure, you still want your images to be clear, the angles to be right, and even the lighting to be good. But you don’t need to hire a professional photographer to take pictures. People want casual photos that are “real” as they tend to be more relatable.
